Global cities population over 10 million
Global cities population over 10 million

Some ranking systems list hundreds of world cities overall, broken into three or more different ranking levels.įig. Below that are many second-tier world cities. They are also known as global cities and are major drivers of globalization.įirst-tier world cities are those few dozen world cities with the highest levels of importance in the global economy and associated functions such as culture and government. That is to say, they are places with many important functions in the global flow of capital. World cities are urban areas that function as major nodes in the world economy. And if it seems like these are the cities people are always talking about, well, there is a good reason for that.

global cities population over 10 million

At the very top of the world economy are the world cities-global centers of fashion, industry, banking, and the arts.

global cities population over 10 million

The most important cities are the most connected urban centers in this interconnected planetary hive of goods and services we call the world economy. You've heard the expression "everything is connected," right? Well, when it comes to cities, the more connected you are, the more important you are.

Global cities population over 10 million