Elster online 2013
Elster online 2013

elster online 2013

financially supported parents/spouse you'll need Anlage Unterhalt (see here).expect to get some Abgeltungssteuer you paid on your German bank interest income back because your individual tax rate will be under 25%, and for foreign interest income, you will need Anlage KAP (see here).had rental income you'll need Anlage V (see here).EU/EEA rental income is never declared as long the double taxation agreement between Germany and that EU/EEA country has a progression clause in its article "Vermeidung der Doppelbesteuerung", for details see here had income from outside Germany while being resident in Germany you'll need to also fill in Anlage AUS (see here), but Anlage N-AUS (see here) if you had employee income from outside Germany while being resident in Germany.have a kid/kids you'll also need Anlage Kind (see here).for your health insurance payments you'll need Anlage Vorsorgeaufwand (see instructions below in yellow area, self-employed just ignore the word Lohnsteuerbescheinigung and fill it in anyway).

elster online 2013

were self-employed then Anlage S (for freelancers) or Anlage G (for all other self-employed).were an employee you will need Anlage N.Disclaimer: in Germany only tax advisors are allowed to give tax advice, if in doubt consult one.ĮLSTER (ELektronische Steuererklaerung) = electronic tax declarationĮlsterFormular is a free software issued by the Finanzamt, download at įor your income tax return you will need the general tax form Mantelbogen (for your name, address, bank details) and a varying number of additional tax forms (= Anlagen), depending on what kinds of income you had, if you:

Elster online 2013